Sunday, November 21, 2010

Resin rings, pattern

Resin pattern rings
silver, resin

Slowly but surely, imagery, colours, shapes/forms of ‘old’ started to creep bank into my work. These rings are where I started to bring back more of the culturally inspired imagery and colours. Whether or not it was a completely conscious effort, I’m not entirely sure, but the initial ‘test pieces’ were a far cry from these. These pieces were also somewhat experimental, I hadn’t ,used resin in this way before, so I was ecstatic when it worked out. Working with resin on a ring, or a more curved surface, is tricky and messy because the liquid resin runs everywhere, and if you’re not careful, can go horribly wrong. I think these have become a favourite to make )for now anyhow) even though the several stages of applying the resin, is time consuming.

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