Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lotus bloom

Lotus patterned, acrylic on canvas

This was a small painting I did a few years ago, while still studying Jewellery Deisgn at tech. i painted it after continuously working for weeks at the bench, and writing my thesis, I wanted a different creative outlet that didn’t involve making, or talking about making, jewellery.

I keep going on about the jewellery that I’ve been producing lately, in that it is a lot simpler than pieces I usually tend to make. I was slowly starting to feel unfulfilled churning out ‘mass’ amounts of the same simpler pieces. Sometimes the ritual of repeatedly making the same element can be therapeutic, but eventually that that much repetition becomes tedious. The simpler pieces didn’t seem to show any connection to my cultural background, which excluding this phase, has almost always been a part of my work.

I think the pieces I did for the ‘Local is Lekker’ exhibition triggered a need to return to making jewellery that I was more familiar with. So I dug through the cupboards and found a few old sketchbooks a few paintings I had forgotten about.

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