Sunday, November 21, 2010

Another necklace...:)

I spent a lot more time making this piece than I initially anticipated but in the end I’m pleased with the way it turned out. It has an ‘Indianess’ to it, even if it is through obvious images of the lotus flower. I was planning on using only ‘warmer’ reds, oranges and yellows, with the resin, but changed my mind when I actually did it, and I’m thankful I did, as I think the brighter and more varied colours stand out against the stark black. Surprisingly I enjoyed adding beads to this piece, so I’m planning to do more necklaces in the near future. It’s a chance to add a different feature to the piece, and to play a bit more with colour.

Lotus patterned necklace
Silver, resin, glass, coral,turquoise beads

Yes, it’s another necklace. This one has common elements with the one for the ‘Local is Lekker’ exhibition, but has a completely different feel to it. I was asked to make a piece, for possible selection to be part of a collection of work that include artists from Kwa Zulu-Natal. It is being put together by the Tatham Gallery in Pietermaritzburg, and as far as I know this necklace is going to be included in the exhibition that runs in June next year. I will put up more details as soon as I know.

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