Thursday, June 10, 2010

'Local is Lekker' exhibition

close up of long necklace for 'Local is Lekker' exhibition

This was practically the second necklace/necpiece that I've ever done. Even though I've got a few ideas for bigger neckpieces, I tend to stay away from doing them, maybe its the idea of jewellery on a bigger scale that's a little daunting. But seeing as I surprisingly enjoyed making this one, there are a few more that I want to do.

I was really happy with the way the resin came out, even though some colours ran into each other, I think it actuallty looks better that way, it looks more natural and less planned (because it wasn't). That's one aspefct when it comes to resin, sometimes it can be a bit difficult and messy to work with, and the final outcome could be something unexpected, but depending on which way you see it, it could be a good or bad thing. The resin here is actually is little more translucent than shown in the pictures. when the light shines directly on it, theres a subtle 'glow' and the colours look a lot more vibrant and warmer.

Long necklace/ neckpiece for 'Local is Lekker' exhibition
silver, resin, beads: wood, coral, turquoise

sketch for necklace

As usual, most of the jewellery pieces I do start off with a sketch. This is one of the later sketches for the necklace that I had in mind. Even though it's meant to be a 'final sketch', sometimes the idea looks better on paper or in my head. So I try to stick to the final sketch as much as possible, but as with this necklace, the piece ended up a little differently, but the intended effect is still there.

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