Thursday, February 18, 2010


Silver and resin square-link bracelet with rivetted flowers

With the intial sketch, it was really just scribble, I didn't have a specific piece in mind, and I left the sketch alone for a while. It turned out to be one of the firs things I made in my 'workspace' at home, in the garage. Up until this point, I'd made loads of simpler 'square-resin-earrings' (I'll post them on here somewhere). As you can see from the test piece, I was grappling with the links of the bracelet. I tried a few options (simpler, quicker options), but eventually settled on amoeboid looking square links I'd done for a previous bracelet.

'test piece'

just a doodle - initial 'sketch'

So this isn't quite the beginning, and in fact might be a very disjointed place to start, but it is a start.
My body of work, up until the finishing my Btech, can be put under the title
'Contemporary Indian Jewellery'. My jewellery during those student years were full of imagery, forms, colours from my Indian culture.

After my Btech, I think I wanted to make jewellery that wasn't obviously linked to my Btech topic, so in short, I started to 'doodle' more geometric shapes, the simpler the better, and the pieces that I started to make, looked like a far cry from what I'd done before (although the materials are similar). I think it was an effort to distance myself from everything I'd done before, to try and do simpler pieces, to see if I could, and maybe agonise less over every decision.

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